PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TELKOM), as a government state own enterprise which focus on developing Information and Communication Technology (ICT), takes responsible to increase the quality of Indonesian people. In TELKOM point of view, smart nation, which will lead to people wealth, is the prerequisite in developing innovation, especially in ICT. Based on this facts, TELKOM launches Internet Goes to School (IG2S) as an initiative to introduce Internet in schools within nation. In this program, students and teachers are introduced to know better about Internet. This program has been being conducted since 1999. IG2S program is always attractive for students. Students learn to communicate using e-mail, mailing list, chatting, browsing, how to use searching engine like Google and Yahoo!, and finally how to create own blog. Furthermore, students will learn to self development and use Internet as a tool to get done their own school’s assignments.
In another hand, many schools in Indonesia have limited budget to provide Internet facility. To overcome this problem, TELKOM provides Speedy SchoolNet, an connection using Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), which will connect all Schools in Indonesia to National Education Network (Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional/ Jardiknas). Jardiknas is built by Departemen Pendidikan Nasional in corporation with TELKOM. Jardiknas connects all Education District Offices within Indonesia. Schools can get educational contents from Jardiknas in term of studying-teaching process and management. TELKOM also gives special discount Internet access for schools up to 40%.
Since it is started, IG2S has been involving thousands of schools, millions of students within Indonesia. TELKOM contribution in achieving Internet awareness on education sector in Indonesia will increasing. And I hope, it will lead to better education for people and also increase people wealth, in general. (source: Tempo, 3rd March 2008)

IG2S Training

TELKOM Web Blog Competition
TELKOM Web Blog Competition
Hallooo Om dadan ...
Ya iya lahh ... Aku kan udah jadi Blogger sejatii darii sejak jaman SD!! Iya donxx,, I'm fans sejatii,, true fan of Cole Mitchell Sprouse! =]
Drii,, Kaka Sasha,, yg imutt,, cantikk,, pinterr slalu ... ( Aminnn .... )
Wah, keponakan saya ini sudah besar dan rajin nulis di blog... Tetap rajin dan semakin rajin ya... biar pinter dan cantik selalu...
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